The society has partnered in various capacities with among others the following institutions:
2020: County government Of Kiambu/The World Bank
- Upgrading Limuru Processing Plant for Improved Household Income and Profitability in Kiambu County.
2019: County government Of Kiambu/The World Bank
- Enhanced membership inclusion through recruitment of Community Interest Groups and individual members
2019: National and County government 2019 – Donation of Milk coolers
- To minimize post-harvest losses
2015: Techno Serve – Strategic Plan Development (2015-2019) and Face-lifting of the Main Store:
- To improve efficiency, profitability and enhance customer experience in the store.
2010: ILO, through Cooperative Africa Facility: Installation and Commissioning of the Feed Mill:
- Increased milk production at farm level.
- Availing of high quality and aflatoxin free animal feeds
- Providing animal feeds at affordable price, below the commercial rates.
2010: Kenya Dairy Board / Agritrace (K) Ltd (Public-Private Partnership): Computerization of Milk Collection and records:
- Business efficiency through eDairy system, data capture, processing and traceability of the milk.
- Digitization of the records and milk collection to minimize losses and complaints from the members.
2009: Land O’ Lakes – Development of a business plan:
- To improve efficiency and help in allocate the resources
1996: Limuru Dairy Members Initiative – installation and commissioning of milk processor
- To increase income to the farmers.
1962: UNICEF – Acquisition of initial dairy equipment
- To increase milk collection from the farmers.