NARIGP (National Agricultural & Rural Inclusive Growth Program)

The NARIGP Project Development Objective is to increase agricultural productivity and profitability of targeted rural communities in 21 selected counties, and in the event of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency, to provide immediate and effective response. Kiambu County is among the beneficiary counties of NARIGP. The NARIGP approach are community driven (CDD) approach, value chain (VC) approach and nutrition informed; gender, youth and VMG inclusion.

In Kiambu, the Project is being implemented in 5 Sub-Counties and 20 wards. The participating Sub-Counties includes; Limuru, Kikuyu, Gatundu South, Gatundu North and Lari Sub-Counties.
The value chains were mapped in the 20 implementing wards. 18 out of the 20 wards are implementing the dairy value chain. The county has therefore identified Dairy as an area where they can focus to help their communities to increase productivity.
The county will strengthen 19 producer organizations out of which 8 are dairy value chain POs. One of the key premises of NARIGP is the importance of linking rural smallholder farmers’ CIGs and VMGs organized along selected priority VCs to Markets through the PO.
Limuru Dairy farmers Cooperative Society was selected as a County Producer Organization which will affiliate dairy CIGs/VMGs and partner with other 7 Project supported dairy POs i.e. Mangu Progressive, Gatundu United, Gatundu South, Kikuyu dairy, Kiriita dairy, Gatamaiyu dairy, Jet farmers.
Limuru Dairy Farmers PO has proposed the upgrading of the milk processing plant for financing by NARIGP under component 3, as a Multi-community Investment (MCI). The project will focus on improving the house hold income and profitability for the dairy enterprise stakeholders. The project was identified during the NARIGP Dairy Value chain stakeholder’s forum. Inadequate milk processing facilities, lack of value addition and land degradation were cited as the key factor contributing to poor performance of the dairy value chain. This project therefore, aims at addressing these problems through upgrading of the milk processing facilities.

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