Vet Services


Under section 26 of the VSVP (Veterinary Surgeons and Veterinary Para-professionals act 2011 states that every Veterinary Surgeon and veterinary paraprofessional registered under this act shall be required to be registered under the act to take out an annual license in the form set out in the fourth schedule ,issued to him by the board before engaging in private practice. In addition any institution intending to offer animal health services shall apply to the KVB board in Form 32 and we as LIMURU DAIRY FARMERS COOPERATIVEE SOCIETY have followed the recommended procedures of the Government hence allowing us to provide veterinary clinical and surgical operations whereby we are have employed 2 full time professionals. The officers are well trained to offer quality services to the farmers.

The Society has ensured that its stocks quality drugs and AI semen. Bulk purchase maintains its prices at an affordable price for the member.

We provide good genetics from both local and international suppliers to our members on credit, recoverable from proceeds of milk deliveries

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