Our core activity is milk collection, bulking and marketing on behalf of farmers who are our members. In the spirit of moving services closer our members we have 37 milk collection centers which also serves as sub stores and members referral points. We have milk coolers strategically installed in our milk collection routes for cooling and bulking collected milk. The milk is then transported to our plant for processing. At the processing plant the milk is Pasteurized packed in 50 kilogram cans, sealed and sold to Hospitals, Schools, Supermarkets, Milk ATMs among other consumers.
Due to prudent management of resources and extra efforts invested by the board we are pleased to consistently pay an annual bonus for milk delivered within every year.
We have a feed mill that reliably produces quality High Yield Dairy meal for our members animals. The demand for the LIMDA brand is growing among other Cooperatives such as Kiambaa, Kikuyu, Kabete and NKCC.
Provision of veterinary and extension services is available to our members free of mileage deductions. We have adopted an efficient fleet management system which has enabled us reduce the transport cost significantly.
To sustain the society’s growth, we have set an ambitious goal of increasing household productivity and profitability, through increasing milk production, processing and marketing by operationalizing the milk processing plant by procuring modern extended shelf life technology and other equipment’s for the manufacture of value -added products. We have partnered with the County government of Kiambu and the World bank to realize the objective.